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Hello, i'm Galaky

welcome to my website
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+ about me ✏️

👋 Greetings! My name is John – many know me as Galaky. I am located in the interior of São Paulo, currently in the second year of the new high school curriculum, along with an English course. I am passionate about developing and managing communities for organizations, games, and brands. I have been moderating and creating solutions for communities on Discord for approximately five years, and during this period, I have had the pleasure of joining several renowned teams on the platform. Additionally, I have experience and interest in the areas of design, management, programming, and personal marketing. I am always seeking to learn more and challenge myself in new areas. I believe it is important to find a balance between work and personal life; however, these activities help me relax and recharge.

Blog – links - projects
Community manager

Currently working as an administrator and active moderator of communities.

Social Media Manager

1 year ago boosting companies and projects through network management.

Video Producer

In my spare time, editing and creating unpredictable videos on YouTube.
